Monday, July 12, 2010

The Longest Day...


We're safely hanging out at an Internet cafe/pharmacy/lunch stop in Kompong Thom. Here's what it took to get us here:

6 hour car trip from Eau Claire to Chicago
1 hour debacle at check-in at O'Hare
2 hour wait
3.5 hour trip to Seattle-Following the setting sun
4 hour layover-Is it 1 am? 2 am? Huh?!
12.5 hour trip to Taipei-It would have been awesome if sleep were a possibility, but the headrest television and its offerings of Michael Jackson, Video Games, and "Clash of the Titans in 4 different languages" was just too good. The meals were tasty, and silverware pleasantly green and ergonomic.
4 hour layover-This place had relaxation on lock-down! Fake mountains and potted plants, combined with massage chairs made for a real nice break. For some reason, the business director at the Taipei airport decided the most useful items to sell were high-end perfume, chocolate, and Johnny Walker...
3 hour trip to Phnom Penh- Lunchbreakfast was great.
3 hour van trip to Kompong Thom-Countryside! Hammocks! EXTREMELY DANGEROUS DRIVING SITUATIONS! Well, not by Cambodian standards... Be sure to check in for our Illegal in America section in future posts (once we get our photo-uploader working)
Arrival at our majestic "Stung Sen Royal Garden Inn Hotel"!!!!! At about 4 pm local time, 4 am Wisconsin time...

For some reason it seemed best not to go to bed, and instead we wandered around the market place. Unfortunately, the freezers in the meat section weren't working, and our noses were not prepared for the olfactory onslaught that ensued. Very close emesis-call for everyone. But boy was dinner great.

Things are good,



  1. I wouldn't have gone to bed either! Though I may have wished I did after the market place.

  2. Thanks Chris for the update. It was SOOO great to hear Katrina's voice last evening!
    Everything sounds like it's going well. I wondered about the 8oo step climb to the Temple yesterday. Did you all go? Any monkeys?
    Take care - be safe- have fun! :)
